Book Review: Hidden Pieces


Embry Woods has secrets. Small ones about her past. Bigger ones about her relationship with town hero Luke and her feelings for someone new. But the biggest secret she carries with her is about what happened that night at the Sea Cliff Inn. The fire. The homeless guy. Everyone thinks Embry is a hero, too, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Embry thinks she’ll have to take the secret to her grave, until she receives an anonymous note—someone else knows the truth. Next comes a series of threatening messages, asking Embry to make impossible choices, forcing her to put her loved ones at risk. Someone is playing a high stakes game where no one in Embry’s life is safe. And their last move…is murder.

Oh my gosh. I need a long nap now! To put into context, I went to my room to clean it, sat down, read one chapter of this book, then another, then another. I read this book in one sitting and wow. It was honestly such a wild ride I can’t even tell you.
I’m still processing, I’ll be honest, so this review will most likely be a hot mess(much like me) (tbh not so different from my normal review I guess 😂). Just thought I’d like you know before I word vomit feelings all over(wow what a great mental picture)
I honestly need to know why and how Paula Stokes can write such amazing books, especially in such drastically different feelings? Like Girl Against the Universe was a contemporary romance, and This is How it Happened was like a contemporary (idk what genre, but that book was amazing) and this one was like a contemporary thriller? HOW. WHAT. I also know she wrote another book(the Art of Lainey) which I own but have yet to read, which is a contemporary romance I think.
Y’all, I am reeling from this book. I read it so fast and honestly it probably made my heart stop a couple of times, but like. Y’all. This book! I’m honestly just stunned.
I don’t even want to go one about it for too long, because it works so well to go in this blind. At least it did for me.
This book is so well written, and there are lines in here that are just stunning and amazing and I’ve highlighted them(in an ebook, I promise). But besides the amazing voice of the story, it’s well written from a tension standpoint, and a character standpoint, and a plot standpoint. Basically I’m trying to say is honestly so well written. The plot sets up the tension and the tension sets up the characters and the characters set up the amazing voice and I just can’t even!!
The romance in this is super compelling. It’s set up really well, with emotional and physical intimacy. Plus like Holden is super respectful and amazing and he rides a motorcycle but he’s not an a-hole. He’s also like in touch with his feelings and just like really great okay.
So basically. This book is super good. It’s written amazingly, the characters are amazing, and also it will stress you out beyond belief (its worth it, I promise). HERE, READ IT.

What’s your favorite thriller? Or the last book you sat down to read one chapter of and then you fell in love with it?

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